phase 1: strategic consulting
project definition
- Define square footage and building requirements
- Develop probable cost models, expected project timeline
- Oversee RFP selection process for architect and general contractor
- Provide initial programming for square footage requirements
site selection
- Manage test fit process
- Develop comprehensive probable cost models and timeline
- Provide due diligence and site reviews
- Engage appropriate consultants
lease negotiation
- Negotiate work letter
- Define landlord obligations
- Finalize probable cost models and project timeline

phase 2: project oversight
design oversight
- Oversee RFP selection process for engineers and consultants
- Work closely with design team on SD, DD, and CD process
- Administer initial construction estimate
design oversight
- Review and QC all design documents to ensure client requirements and goals are met
- Identify long-lead items
design oversight
- Value-engineer for alternatives
to ensure client needs and budget are met - Create a project team directory
construction oversight
Lead project meetings and process
Administer permit submittal/release
Oversee change order process
construction oversight
Implement construction
Manage general contractor against budget and timeline
Develop and distribute meeting documentation
construction oversight
Supervise project cash flows
Complete walk-through punch list
Coordinate with landlord
vendor oversight
Plan, coordinate, select and implement:
vendor oversight
- Furniture
- Fixtures
- Equipment
- Cabling
- Security
vendor oversight
- Audio/Visual
- Artwork
- Signage
- Sound Masking

phase 3: occupancy completion
project definition
- Submit RFPs, create RFP comparison matrix
and select moving company - Develop move logistics plan and directory
- Manage moving company against budget
and timeline - Facilitate document purge and reduction campaign
- Develop move documents, including color-coded plan, relocation spreadsheet and move guidelines
- Provide on site management during relocation
post-occupancy oversight
- Assist with decommissioning
- Manage warranties and operations/maintenance manual
- Close project, including final budget reconciliation, obtaining lien waivers and final billings